Module mod_userdir

This module is contained in the mod_userdir.c file, and is compiled in by default. It provides for user-specific directories.


Syntax: UserDir directory
Default: UserDir public_html
Context: server config, virtual host
Status: Base
Module: mod_userdir

The UserDir directive sets the real directory in a user's home directory to use when a request for a document for a user is received. Directory is either disabled, to disable this feature, or the name of a directory. If not disabled, then a request for a URL beginning with http://myserver/~unix-username will be translated to a filename beginning with home-dir/directory, where home-dir is the home directory for user unix-username. Example:

UserDir public_html
Then a request for http://myserver/~foo56/adir/file.html will return the file http://myserver/home/foo56/public_html/adir/file.html.

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