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  How do I set up FTP in Dreamweaver?
How do I set up a site in Dreamweaver?

How do I set up FTP in Dreamweaver?

Go to Edit > Preferences.

- Click on the Site FTP category.

- Make sure both Dependent Files checkboxes are clear.

- Make sure the Firewall Port is 21.

- Click OK.


How do I set up a site in Dreamweaver?

Here is a step-by-step procedure for setting up a site definition in Dreamweaver. In these examples, we assume the site being set up is

Go to File > New Site. You will be greeted with the following screen:

- Make sure Local Info category is selected.

- Enter a name for the site in Site Name.

- Enter the directory on your hard disk where the web files are found in Local Root Folder.

- Enter the URL of the site in HTTP Address. All unqualified links in your web pages will have this address appended.

- Select the Web Server Info category.

- In the Server Access drop box, select FTP. The remaining text boxes will appear.

- Enter your FTP Host name (

- Enter html as the Host Directory (unless your site is going into a subdirectory under html).

- Enter your Login (test1) and your Password into the appropriate boxes.

- Select the Site Map Layout category.

- Enter or browse in your home page (the page that is loaded when someone browses to This is usually index.html or index.htm.

- Press OK.