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BigBiz FAQ: Email > Set up Gmail to retrieve from your POP3 mailbox
  How do I set up Gmail to retrieve from my POP3 mailbox?

How do I set up Gmail to retrieve from my POP3 mailbox?

Login to your Gmail account and click on the gear icon on the upper right..


Select Accounts and Import.


Select Add an email account.


Type in your BigBiz email address (for this FAQ, we are using and click Next.


Select Import emails from my other account (POP3) and click Next.


Enter your BigBiz POP3 account information.

- For your Username, enter your BigBiz POP3 account username

- Enter the POP3 Password you used when you created your POP3 mailbox

- The POP Server is uusually

- Select Port 110

- Uncheck Always use a secure connection (SSL) when retrieving mail.

- Click on Add Account and Gmail will proceed to verify your settings,.